Saturday 18 June 2011

Bow Wow Workout Routine

Shad Gregory Moss aka Bow Wow is an American rapper and actor. He also has an amazing body and one of the most defined within the music industry. I think I speak for most men when I say that we would like to have a body like his and it would certainly increase our confidence enabling us to speak to women more easily.

Bow Wow's abs look so defined and cut because he has very low body fat which causes the popped and cut look. Bow Wow does not have the body of a bodybuilder however, his body looks extremely good. In my opinion this body type is a lot better looking and attractive then a bodybuilder with giant arms and legs.


Bow Wow has what is called as the "Shrink Wrapped Abs Effect" where the abs are tight, cut, and visible and this is due to building muscle mass and at the same time not building body fat. Many traditional workouts have you bulking up then cutting. This process takes a way your abs definition in the process.

There is a program that has been created by Rusty Moore creator of Fitness Black book. It is called Visual Impact Muscle Building

Some of the things you will learn inside Visual Impact Muscle Building to help improve your Aesthetics.
* How 100% muscle gains can actually ruin your look
* The secret to adding muscle in the right places
* The body that most women love
* Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy and Myofibrillar Hypertrophy
* How to create dense, full looking muscle
* The key to looking like Taylor Lautner, Cam Gigandet, Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg etc
* The “Shrink Wrap” effect for maximum muscle definition
* Why many personal trainers actually look like rubbish
* The 3 phrase plan
* Why simply training heavy and using “progressive resistance” doesn’t guarantee that you will add muscle mass
* The best training method for building mass – This will shock you (no it’s not lifting heavy!)
* And much more

Get the Visual Impact Muscle Building program now and have a body like Bow Wow!

Click the above picture to get the Visual Impact Muscle Building now!

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